I/E&A Christians

Other Personal Beliefs

I have an amazing friend that I often harass and call her a hippie because she is always trying to get me to do these different things that are supposed to be life changing. Or to research something and see if I believe it. I always play along and considering that she has been right a bunch, I'll keep trying her different things and just be open to new things. 


Stop and be still. Clear out your brain of all your problems and issues and focus on what's important. Talking to the Lord and just saying thank you. 


Be careful what you speak, you control your own destiny but it is a partnership with the Lord. A lot of people believe they are controlling everything when they manifest and things happen. Remember that all things are possible through Christ. 

Numbers - 3, 6, 9 and 8

This is one that will absolutely blow you away if you reserch it. Better than me explaining it, watch this video and see if you can comprehend it. I am fascinated by inventors and how in the world did they come up with these things when they didn't even have anybody showing them or teaching them or did they? Tesla said that these visions would come to him in dreams and that the inventions he was to build were like in 3D and he could then somehow remember every detail and produce them. Tell me there isn't a God....... He was chosen to help advance our civilization. 


If you know anything about electricity other than dont stick a butter knife into an outlet, you know that it finds the fastest path to ground. 

You are energy, God blew life into us and that is enegy. You have a vibration and we can control our vibration  to a degree. 

If you go outside and lay a blanket down and then reach over and just put your fingers to the earth, you are grounded and you can release some of the pent up energy in you. This is accomplished also by a lot of day to day activities but if you are in an office all day at home and just feel over stressed. Get grounded and just take a moment to be still. 

It's coming and soon. I'll probably end up dead for writing all this. If I do, I love you. 

When I was a young boy, around 10 years of age, it was sooooo hard to get your hands on a hustler or penthouse magazine. I would have to grab one from my parents closet and hide it and hope I didnt get caught. I would make sure that I didn't mess up any pages or change it in any way shape or form. Then I would put it back as soon as I could when the coast was clear. 

NOW..... Kids have access to phones and computers and can look up things that no kid should even know about. There are so many porn sites out there that it's not likely you can put a number to it. 

HOW??? These people have to be paid somehow. I dont know of many people that actually buy subscriptions. I have been told that it's the advertising that pays them. How many people but that stuff? As far as I know everyone uses sites like amazon to buy their erotic things. This is all part of a bigger plan. Break down the morales of our youth. Have both young men and women feel that it is ok to engage. 

MUSIC.... We are not supposed to be listening to music in the Hz we have. It should be in 528 Hz. This is a vibration that will heal the mind and body. Not only was the Hz we should be listening to music in hijacked and changed but we have been on a fast pace roll into music that makes people angry, hurt, and want to act out. Ask a kid what their music of choice is and then look up the lyrics. It's a brainwashing of the youth right under your nose and you have no idea that it's going on. Maybe you do and sing along. I did for years. 

T.V. and commercials - Have you noticed what they push in commercials as their perfect family? I am not and I repeat not against someone being gay. That is your choice and God gave us free will. If you are a spiritual and religous person and have a relationship with the Lord, who am I to say you are doing wrong? What I would like to see is T.V. showing some family homes that are made up of a Husband and Wife having offspring that carry the same values instilled in them from their parents. No, not to dislike those that are different but to accept them and hope they are on a journey that will carry them to heaven as well. 

 Genesis 1:28

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”

Aliens in the sky....

The subject always comes up about aliens and other worlds. Well yea they are out there and yes they were created by God. Is God an alien? Yes, if you want to see it that way. They go hand in hand. Our advancement in this world has been done by men we call genius creators/inventors. Tesla said that he would have visions of what he was to build and the blueprints would be in his brain in 3D. He could recreate these things perfect. The Lord has probably created so many other worlds where life exists and is watching over us all. 

Parallel Univeses and stepping over. This one I truly believe in and if you open your mind to things that we have been taught can't be, you will understand. 

Well you know how you have heard that you can take a journey into the spirit world and see things that are out there. This normally involves drugs and I am not endorsing that but when your mind is open, there's things out there.